Fenland Rods final results 2022
Below - so it's all readable.
Had trouble getting this onto the screen. Best I could do. 😖
Fenland Rods final results 2022
Below - so it's all readable.
Had trouble getting this onto the screen. Best I could do. 😖
Gus Gausden was round the corner to my left, on peg 9, and Ian Frith was on my right on 13. Rain came just before the start of the match, but it held off all day, though we never saw the sun. I found a small hole at eight metres, about three feet deep, and started there on a 6mm expander, catching a small roach, then a gudgeon, and then a tiny bream. Meanwhile Ian Frith had caught two carp on a bomb cast to the far bank. A long while later I realised he had been using bread, which is allowed here from November to March.
Nothing there, so I followed Ian and had a look with maggot - Ian was now catching roach fast, fairly close in, and I followed suit, getting four or five very quickly on maggot before they suddenly disappeared. Ian was now catching roach farther out, but I couldn't find any. Next thing I know Ian is out on 14.5 or 16 metres of pole, and bagging occasional carp.
The rest of the match saw another carp on banded pellet and one more on the bomb. I should have probably started on the bomb, soon changed to banded pellet, and had at least two swims on the go, as the fish were spooking in the cool, clear water...
Over on Six-Island Lee Kndall had a superb 224 lb 15 oz from peg 9, in the corner, fishing 16 metres along the end bank, He put in a big pot of maggots at the start, and another partway through the match, but fed maggots every drop in a tosspot on his pole, which saw him getting through six pints. He included ten big barbel, and fished mainly bunches of three maggots on the hook.
My next match is with JV on Willows on Sunday. I have been making up some extra-long hooklengths, which will (theoretically) give me a longer fall of bait on a bomb hopefully enticing the fish which are hanging off the bottom.
It started when I turned round to pick up a top two, with rig attached, and there it was...gone. I had used it earlier in the JV match, but now it was definitely missing. Nowhere to the right, nor left, nor behind; so it must be somewhere in the lake. Then I remembered clipping the roost with my foot a little earlier, but had thought nothing of it. The top two must have flicked up into the air and fallen in the water (as Spike Milligan used to say, on The Goons). I didn't hear it, but then I can't hear much anyway.
I went to my holdall, took out my special long-handled hook, and started dragging the bottom in the right margin. I dragged into the bank, lifted, and FIRST TIME my top two emerged from the water like the sword Excalibur. There is a god after all.
Then, next day, I went to one of my online poker sites, as I do most days, and although it recognised my login, I couldn't enter any of the tables. Now I know as much about Information Technology as I do about splitting the atom, but somehow, after a lot of blind alleys, I managed to find a chat line to a Poker Stars bod somewhere in the USA. And then, in a whirl of doubt, confusion and disbelief, I took a screenshot, changed it from a Png to a jpg (whatever they are), sent it to Poker Stars with my log files (don't ask) and was given a new site to log in to, which worked! Suddenly all was right with the world.
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Oak 4 - I had drawn it in an October match and struggled. |
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Alan Porter, on my left, was in action early on freedered maggot. |
Alan then got a couple more on his feeder and Martin had one on his pole, but immediately changed to a feeder as the wind made it impossible for him to hold out in his pole swim. To Martin's right I had seen Peter Barnes land two, and on peg 1 Callum had also landed fish on a pole and feeder. He was not in the Christmas match, which also featured a drawn pairs event, but was fishing as an individual. So there were fish in these pegs after all.
Martin and Alan both had more fish, either side of me, but I had no idea what the anglers in the higher numbers were catching, because there were bushes in the way, but assumed there would be some big catches down there. Casting accurately was impossible in the wind, but at least I was managing to land within a few feet of the far bank, which seemed the best area.
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Another one for Alan - by now the sky has darkened and it was cold! |
After three or four fish on the pink, including two more extra-hard-fighting light-coloured fish, I swapped back to yellow, and with an hour left I had probably 14. Martin had been catching a few, but not as many as me, and suddenly, I saw he had changed back to a pole and he landed two big fish in quick succession. I hadn't had a bite for some time, so I took a chance and went back to pole. The eight-metre line with banded pellet didn't bring even a bite, but now Martin landed a third good fish, around 10 lb.
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Martin Parker had a good spell on first changing from pole to feeder. |
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Callum - 82 lb 3 oz on feeder and pole from Peg 1. |
Unfortunately I missed the fireworks that followed as I was unhooking the fish and gingerly placing it in the third net I had ready to drop into the water - holding the net in the water in one hand, placing the net, with fish, inside, and then attaching the net to my bar. After all I hadn't expected to catch much, and had put in only two nets. The gods were playing tricks on me again...
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Dick Warrener had one bigger than this somewhere in that bag! |
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The full results |
BUT when I plumbed up I got a surprise - I had put on the rig from Peg 2 on Wednesday, and when I put it out to ten metres this swim was 18 inches shallower! Now that didn't mean it would hold fish, but at least it was different - I didn't realise it was that shallow in this area. So my plan to start on the feeder was now questionable. The wind was a stiff, cool breeze over my back - seven on my bank and seven opposite.
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All match the wind blew onto the far bank; by the end it had died away. |
I was about to put out the feeder when Peter Harrison, on my right on 3, landed a fish. He was fishing a pole well out at about 14 metres, so that made my mind up - I went out with a banded pellet. I fished at only 11.5 metres, keeping the 13-metre section behind me. My GTI holdall has given up the ghost (another one is on order), so I'm using a smaller holdall- standard size - which is not long enough for my Browning sections, and I couldn't easily get the 14-metre section in, so I left it at home.
At one point, still getting liners, I came off bottom, and they stopped. Then I went back to full depth and pushed all the shot up under the 0.75 gm float, giving a long, slow fall. This brought a fish first drop, but then nothing. That happened several times - I would change the shotting and get a fish, but just the one. When the band came off I stuck on a 6mm expander and got a fish first drop, but then no more, so I put on another banded hooklength.
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Steve Tilsley on 9 shows his biggest fish. It probably weighed around 13 lb. |
That brought a 2 lb F1, then a fish foulhooked and lost, and then a 2 lb barbel. Opposite me Chris Saunders had just landed a small roach - his first fish. They had the wind in their faces on that bank, and must have been very cold - at this point, even with the wind on my back, I had to put on my Imax jacket.
With 15 minutes left bites had petered out here so I tried mussel (which I should have done earlier). This brought bites immediately, but the fish were shredding the mussel and not taking it properly. The float would pull down slightly and stay there and if I struck I would come back with still a little bit of mussel hanging on the hook. I felt I had to stick to mussel for the last five minutes and indeed at last a fish was on.
That last one was just in the net when the whistle went - 6 lb, and foulhooked! I told Jim I estimated I had 70 lb to 80 lb. Opposite, Chris Saunders had his first carp with about an hour to go and I believe he ended with three, on the pole.
Back with the scales (with my phone at the ready for pictures) my fish weighed 97 lb, which, not for the first time, surprised me. But Jim's fish went 105 lb 14 oz, for the win, and very well deserved. I ended second, which I was very happy with in that company, with Barry Webb in the car park corner on 30, third with 75 lb 15 oz.
It's the first time for a long time that I have been pegged in an area, on the strips, where the best weights have come from, and getting a good catch in those circumstances gives me confidence. The results show that the fishing towards the far end was indeed hard, with Roy Whincup, who is hardly ever out of the frame, struggling for 15 lb.
Actually Andy was largely correct - I didn't land most of the carp very quickly. I wasn't bagging, so I did take my time, losing just two or three obviously foulhooked. However several times I almost got the fish in very quickly, but missed with the landing net. I was quite happy that I almost got it dead right a few times, and in any case three of the fish I did land were foulhooked. My landing net is of carbon, and fairly light and very strong, Ideally perhaps I need one of those extra-light, flexible, landing net handles, but you also need a very light net to go with them, unless you have the muscles of Arnie.
My muscles are from Tescos!
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Result on my West bank |
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Result on the East bank. |
Next match is Spratts big Christmas presentation match on Oak at Decoy, on Thursday, with 15 fishing all down the same bank. Trevor does an enormous amount of work for the club and getting the prizes for this match, helped by Rob Allen, and we are grateful to them. I'd like peg 9 or thereabouts, please, lads!
To win at matchfishing you have to have an edge - something no-one else has. Ivan had a natural ability; Alan Scotthorne has meticulous preparation, Andy Power has some sort of Paul Daniels magic...but I have socks.
Here they are: The secret weapon that will propel me from local pools fodder to local legend.
I know they sort of work cos last week I wore just one - I needed a very thin sock over my foot blisters so I could pull on my boots. And I hooked enough fish to probably win the match, but lost most of them. If I'd worn the other sock I would have landed every one and would have been invincible. But in fairness to my fellow competitors I will probably be wearing thicker socks during the cold weather, and leaving the magic socks at home - after all it wouldn't be fair to everyone else to wear them both!
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Peg 2 looked quite nice, with a small bush overhanging the left margin. |
But just at that moment the wind got up, and became cooler, and I never had another touch there in the next 30 minutes! So it was into the left margins with a 6mm expander over 4mm hard feed pellets and I had a good bite missed and then a good fish hooked, and lost after about a couple of seconds.
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Mike Rawson had fish on a feeder early in the match. |
Those tiny touches, definitely fish playing with the bait, went on and on, and eventually I had a 4 lb common. However I simply had to do something else, so with the match more than half over I went back on the feeder, but with a yellow wafter on a hybrid feeder holding a mix of micros and method groundbait. I have seen a very intersting underwater You Tube video showing that groundbait held better on a Method feeder than neat micros, so I use both. Around this time we had a short shower, but that was the only rain.
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Mike in action after about 90 minutes. You can see that there is now a big ripple. |
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Dick Warrener - fourth with 40 lb 13 oz from Peg 4. |
Half and hour to go and I couldn't resist having another look in both margins, using corn and expanders, but never had a touch. Ten minutes left and another cast with the feeder brought a 3 lb F1. By now my tiny brain had worked out that I should have taken note of how Dick had been catching in the first 90 minutes, on the feeder, and done it much earlier. I'm sure I would have had several more fish. That may be a lesson that stays with me during the winter.
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Peter Barnes - all his fish came to a feeder. |
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Winner Alan Porter with his 105 lb 3 oz of carp taken on white wafters. |
So I ended sixth, but was not unhappy, as it gave me a bit of confidence that I CAN catch fish on a feeder. Next match with JV is also on Cedar on Sunday. There's a temptation to say I will fish a feeder...but experience tells me I must wait until I see the swim. However, I must not stay too long on one unproductive method - at this time of year fish tend to stay put, and you have to find them rather than try to bring them to your feed.
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John Garner with a very nice barbel from corner peg 13. |
The weather was perfect for the first JV Club match of my Winter Campaign, with 18 of us fishing on Elm and Cedar, at Decoy - a light South-Easterly breeze with no sun, and not cold. I started on a maggot feeder which gave several bites, one small lost fish, but nothing in the net. Half an hour later I went out to 13 metres with a banded 6mm pellet and in the next 45 minutes the result was one 1 lb F1 (and I didn't know that was on).
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Great conditions - overcast, mild and with a light wind. |
The elastic hadn't felt right, so I put the rig on a solid 13 and tried again in the right margin. Soon another big fish was on, and after a minute or so, even though I had attached a third section, it made a dash for my platform which I couldn't stop, and snagged me there. Hook gone.
Another change to a solid 17 and this time, even with a third section attached, a big fish was under that platform within half a second of being hooked. The power was incredible; obviously another barbel. I stayed in the right margin, but halfway through the match the score was: Barbel 5 - Me 0. The next two had pulled out. But the elastic felt as good as I could get, so I kept that on.
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Chris Saunders, a JV regular, with 64 lb 14 oz from Cedar 1. |
Forty minutes to go, and corn in the left margin brought a big fish that was obviously a carp - when I lay the pole tip under the surface and held it, the fish came to the top. Barbel don't do that.
Anyway, that fish ended in my net and was well over 10 lb. I then had a brilliant idea - try mussel. Sure enough this brought another big fish which was obviously a foulhooked barbel as I came back with a small scale.
Next drop with mussel and a big fish was hooked, which plodded around, deep, in a strange way - not quick enough for a barbel, so perhaps a carp foulhooked. No - it was another 10 lb-plus carp, hooked in the mouth, and it ended in my net. Fifteen minutes left and immediately another fish took the mussel.
I have a watch on my side tray, so I know I played that fish for ten minutes, without it ever getting off the bottom. Then the hook pulled, and I sighed (as you can imagine)!!!! That was my last excitement for the day. I assumed I would be last on the lake. And I still don't know what I did wrong to lose all those fish.
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Lee Kendall had some big ole carp in his winning 199 lb 8 oz weight. |
On Cedar, behind me, Lee Kendall had an incredible last hour, taking 83 lb in that time and ending with 199 lb 8 oz on Peg 7, fishing a 6mm expander on the hook over 4mm hard pellets under the bush to his right. The weights were a bit better on Cedar than on Elm. My next match is on Cedar on Wednesday.
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Cedar |
First, a correction. John Garner, who won last week's Spratts match on Yew 13 with 57 lb 14 oz, fished a pole not far out, in the deep water, and NOT on the feeder, as I wrote. His car companion Neil Pass, who fished opposite, did fish the feeder for 53 lb 4 oz and second place.
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Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud. And it got worse once the wind and rain picked up. |
To my surprise my banded pellet fished shallow didn't get a touch for five minutes, so it was over to a grain for corn fished on the bottom, in about two feet of water, two feet from the reeds, to my right. That did bring two F1s between 1 lb and 2 lb, in the next ten minutes. But it soon became obvious that the fish were not going to go on a feeding spree today.
I persevered with corn, and had a look under the tree to the left, but the strong wind made any decent presentation very difficult. However, I began to see movements on the float when I went back to the right, so I knew that fish were there. That was when I made a crucial decision - I freeze my left-over bait, and now put a piece of corn on which I had thawed the previous day.
The bait was just hanging off bottom, and it seemed the fish were taking their time to play with the bait, before eventually taking it properly. I was counting, as I usually do, and both those fish took at around 100. I carried on putting in just a few grains, and baiting with the frozen corn, and soon had a better F1 over 2 lb. Ninety minutes had now gone, and I had to see a man about a wee problem, then walked up to John Garner, on my left. He had just one fish!
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Mike Rawson shows the size of fish we were catching. |
Back to my swim, and I had three hooked in the side of the face - the fish were definitely hitting the bait several times before taking it. Eventually I went out to the deeper swim, on a 2+2, and had a 2 lb mirror first cast, laying the bait on the bottom - it was too rough to present a still bait at that distance off bottom. But the next half-hour didn't bring another fish there.
I was using a 1.5 gm float there - heavier than many would use, but it held beautifully in eight feet of water. Still, if it wasn't working, I had to do something else.
In went just three grains, followed by my bait, and yes, the fish were still there, but I got the impression that they were moving up and down the very steep shelf, so kept moving the rig around. Again, I was having to count to 100 before the float would give a proper bite. But occasional fish kept coming. Then the rain started! It really pelted down, but although Peter Barnes had put up his umbrella, I decided against it, because some gusts were getting pretty strong. My Imax jacket and Goretex bib and brace kept me dry, but it was a bit miserable at times.
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All hands to the pump as Martin Parker weighs in. |
I looked at the watch on my tray, and with eight minutes to go I took a chance and put in hemp and some corn, hoping for perhaps two more fish...and immediately Peter Barnes shouted to me, and waved his arms around to say the match had finished! That watch was slow - it must have lost a few minutes since the last match. I was annoyed with myself, because I felt that the fish were about to feed properly. Must remember to correct it before Sunday's match with JV on Elm lake.
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Peter Harrison -a hard-won 28 lb 5 oz from Peg 6. |
Finally up to John Smith, who was Golden Peg, and who someone said had been catching fairly well, but even John, on end peg 12, could manage only 40 lb 2 oz...though he said he had lost a fish at the net which must have been around 5 lb or 6 lb. Oh dear - that would have beaten me, but lost fish don't count 😂 and I ended as the winner, with John second, and Peter Barnes third. Next Spratts match is Wednesday on Cedar.
Although the forecasters are saying it's mild, I will soon have to start wearing my heated vest, as those Fenland winds don't half cut through you. I can't remember who wrote the poem "Welcome, Wild North-Easter" but sure as hell he didn't live in Whittlesey!!
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It was still blowing a hooley down on Peg 12 when John Smith weighed in 40 lb 2 oz for second. |
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Before the start - plenty of Raspberry Ripple for me (unfortunately cold and in my face). I soon put the Goretex jacket on! |
The previous day, on Damson, we had been treated to a pleasant, mild day, though with some rain. Today as soon as I stepped out of the van at the draw the wind felt ten degrees colder. On the bank it was blowing into our bank (pegs 1 to 15) from the right, and still cold. However I thought that the water would still be warm, so I ought to be able to catch a few of the big carp which Yew is renowned for.
I started on the feeder - three five-minute casts with sweetcorn, without a sign of a bite. So I changed to the pole, with banded pellet at top two plus three, where I could hold the pole fairly comfortably in the wind. I spent 30 minutes there, during which time Peter Harrison, to my left, had taken two carp on the pole, fishing maggot. Opposite me, Trevor Cousins had his first bite at this time, taking a small carp on the feeder.
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On the bank opposite, in the corner, Alan Porter sneaked enough fish out to finish in third place. |
In that four hours I caught about ten perch, but lost two big fish, one of which was possibly foulhooked, but the second one didn't feel foulhooked. I also hit two others which, momentarily, felt bigger, but which came off within a second. I had changed from hollow 17 elastic down to 13 hollow, to avoid bumping fish which might bite very timidly, and I had changed down from a 12 to a 16 hook. I felt confident with that tackle, but have to put down losing those fish to "Just one of those things".
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I Spy...a barbel, in Shaun's net. That one fish would have beaten my meagre catch on its own. Note that I was so pleased to see some fish that I got over-excited and took pictures of almost anyone! |
I was really glad when the match ended, because I was on the verge of going back to the van and taking out my padded Imax jacket, as I was shivering with cold. Winter is definitely knocking at the door. My change to corn didn't pay off and I ended with that one F1 and ten small perch. Dick didn't get a bite all day, but I had no idea what the others towards the far end, had.
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Four fish for Joe - and almost a frame. |
Alan Porter on 30 bucked the trend at my end of the lake, by taking five fish on a feeder, mainly by casting into the corner near the big pipe, and weighing 37 lb 8 oz.
So another Golden Peg drawn for me went to a roll-over, but I couldn't be sad about that - local knowledge tells me that even Jamie Hughes probably wouldn't have won from my peg on that day.
My next match is probably not until next Tuesday, on Damson.
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Neil Pass - second on his first match with us. Well done, Neil! |
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John Garner - winner with 57 lb 14 oz from peg 13. |
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John's best fish - probably over 10 lb. |
East Bank West Bank