Thirty-one of us 'Pidley Pensioners' fished this match, on Raven and Magpie at Rookery Waters, with my peg 13 right next to where I had been the previous Wednesday on 14. I had Shaun Buddle to my right on 11 and Steve (Ivy) Tilsley farther round the bend on 9, a peg he didn't want because it's been unkind to him in the past. Diddums! I must confess, however, that I would have preferred 1 to 8 or anywhere on the island 28 to 36, or even in the big bay in the 20s, ,as there are underwater lily pads or reeds to fish to in many of those swims.
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End of the match, and there was still the hint of a breeze. |
A change to the pole at 13 metres, with 4mm expander pellets, saw some liners, and I immediately switched to a dobbing rig, which had allegedly done well on this bank the previous weekend. The light was so poor I could not actually see the yellow-tipped float unless it was against the dark reflections of trees opposite, but I was confident that if there were fish willing to feed up in the water I would get an indication of some sort. Nothing! Back to the main rigs.
A 5 lb carp came in on the expander, and then there was a long spell when all I could do was briefly hit two fish, obviously foulhooked, which came off after a second. I tried in the deep margin
Three hours after the start I wandered up to Shaun who had, I think, five fish, and just as I got up to him his rod went round and a five-pounder came in, hooked on a bright yellow pop-up. I went back and tried it, but never had a take. However Shaun then started to take the occasional fish on his pop-up, casting towards the reeded island, which was not in my swim.
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Shaun Buddle lays his last fish, hooked just before the whistle. |
That wind, which also blew lots of dead reeds and stuff through my swim, put the kybosh on my swim and I couldn't get a touch. Then it suddenly died down and the air felt much warmer, and with 15 minutes left I hooked my best fish, about 6 lb. By now Steve had packed up, having had just a couple of fish, I think.
With ten minutes to go I hoped for another, but when the whistle went all I could do was get off my box and photograph Shaun playing yet another fish. This turned out to be his best of the day at around 9 lb.
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Nearly there. |
I hadn't seen the weighers approaching Shaun, so couldn't get a picture of his fish. I guessed he had 50 lb-plus, and indeed he weighed 58 lb 6 oz, just 2 oz behind Mick Mister on 1. I totalled 26 lb 8 oz which was at least respectable, but nowhere on the lake, won again on peg 36 by Colin Walker with 112 lb 3 oz.
The weights on Raven were smaller, won on end peg 29. But overall the weather had been kind to us, I'm stewarding at the Winter League final sections on Decoy on Saturday, and not sure whether I will be fishing on Sunday.
Results below.
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Safely in the net. |
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Magpie 1-22 |
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The rest of Magpie |
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Raven 1-21 |
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The rest of Raven. |
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