Thursday 27 June 2024

An abysmal result while melting on Yew

Peg 16, Yew, Tues, June 25
Fate played me a trick at the draw for this Spratts club match. My name was first out of the bag, and before my peg was drawn Bob Allen asked: "What peg, Mac?" I replied, without thinking: "Sixteen".

Into the other bag dived Trevor (just his hand, not his whole body) and came up with: 16! Why did I tempt Fate like that? It's the longest walk, and the heat was already burning us up. Sixteen is a good peg (even I have won from it) but on a day like that I don't think it really gave any advantage.

When I got there the corner was completely filled with cut reeds, and actually I quite fancied it, because I had casters, and thought there might be carp under the floating reeds. There were carp all over the swim, drifting just under the surface, no naturally I tried mugging some (I had three shallow rigs ready). Not a chance, they either ignored the corn skin, pellet or caster, or had a look and turned slowly away.

It was HOT, with the corner completely filled with floating reeds,
which I thought would be holding fish galore!

Casters for me
Next I catapulted casters out to the edge of the floating reeds, fishing a banded caster shallow, and after a fair while I had a 2 lb F1. That was followed by several rudd around 2 oz each. Then a bottom bait of two catsers brought a 5 lb carp, but only the one.

Out to 2+2 in front, where I found a hard bottom in about five feet of water, and in the next three hours I managed to land three barbel, a 3 lb tench and half-a-dozen more F1s, plus two carp around 6 lb. I also lost two big carp, definitely foulhooked. With an hour to go the fish which had been basically sunbathing atarted to become more animated, and they started swimming a bit faster, coming towards the margins. I hoped they would drop down and feed so tried cat meat and mussel both sides, but never had even a liner. Ten minutes left and I went back out and had the last fish - a 2 lb tench.

It was a superb performance from Trevor in the heat -
260 lb 13 oz, all taken mugging on a long pole. 

The weigh in
Trevor Cousins on peg 25, towards the car perk end, absolutely blitzed it with 260 lb 13 oz, every fish taken mugging with a pellet on a long pole. By the end he was absolutely cream-crackered. And then I thought that I should probably have tried it when the fish started moving about towards the end. Second and third went to Peter Harrison and Dave Hobbs who had 153 lb 5 oz and 148 lb 13 oz, also taken mugging.

My measly catch, all taken on two casters, went 49 lb 4 oz, which placed me sixth out of the 12. 

Marks out of ten
Probably worth 4. I love fishing shallow, and when I asked Trevor what he'd had at the start he told me he had had only an F1 in the first 30 minutes. So if I had tried mugging farther out for longer I guess I would have had some of those cruising carp. But that first ten minutes, trying to mug fish close-in, put me off. 

Didn't like the heat, which didn't adversely affect me, but it did affect my phone, which stopped working and gave me the message that it was overheating. So I put it in my cool bag with the casters and cat meat and that cooled it down. I hope the temperature drops by my next match, on Sunday, on Cedar.

28 Martin Parker         43 lb 14 oz
27 Mike Rawson        DNW
26 John Smith             26 lb 6 oz
25 Trevor Cousins     260 lb 13 oz     1st
24 Steve Engledow    DNW
23 John Garner           12 lb 13 oz
22 Bob Allen              54 lb 1 oz
21 Kevin Lee               84 lb 7 oz       4th
20 Dave Hobbs        148 lb 13 oz      3rd
19 Mike Ramm          16 lb 2 oz
18 Peter Harrison     153 lb 5 oz        2nd
17 Neil Paas               32 lb 1 oz
16 Mac Campbell       49 lb 4 oz 

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